Virtual DJ & Karaoke Studio

Sorry to See You Go!

We're sorry that our software did not meet your needs. If you are having problems with it, please make sure to try the latest release and see if that fixes it. We are always releasing updates to address any bugs or other issues with Virtual DJ Studio.

If not, please try our software again later, as we are always striving to improve Virtual DJ Studio.

If you have a genuine concern, or if you think VDJ is missing a feature, please visit our discussion forums and post your comments there - we visit the forums often and we always take user suggestions into account when working on the next release.

Otherwise, if you found something to better suit your needs, then we wish you the best of luck. We just hope you'll give us a try again at a later date.

Get VDJ for FREE

If you do not want to pay for the software, you can get your license for free using TrialPay.

If you are having trouble getting started with VDJ, the following links might be helpful if you would like to give it another shot:

VDJ HomeDownloadsPurchase VDJTechnical SupportMyDjSongbookScreenshots

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